Extracurricular Activities and Clubs » Extracurricular Activities and Clubs

Extracurricular Activities and Clubs

Extracurricular enrichment activities are an important part of a student's development. Studies show that students involved in enrichment activities earn higher grades and are more successful both academically and socially.  Gananda Central School District offers a variety of clubs and activities for students in grades 6-12 to explore new things, meet new friends, and give back to the community. 
Art Club (HS) - An after-school club for anyone interested in visual arts. There will be weekly making sessions (led by Ms. M) or you can use the studio space to work independently on your own art! 
Chess Club (MS) - Middle School Chess Club is an extracurricular club open to all students in grades six through eight. Interested student’s sign-up in September and begin meeting together in room 107 through the month of May. While most meetings consist of practice sessions, there are occasional intra-scholastic competitions against members of Gananda’s Chess Club. These competitions may take several weeks to complete. The main topics of investigations for Chess Club are introduction to playing pieces, developing strategy, problem solving strategies, and displaying good sportsmanship.
Citizens of the World Club - Citizens of the World Club provides students with the opportunity to make a difference in their global and local communities through volunteer activities
Drama Club(MS & HS)-The Gananda High School and Middle School Drama Club produces an annual musical, providing students opportunities to explore performance, design, and tech in an inclusive and supportive environment.
E-Sports(HS) - A PC-gaming, Rocket League team that competes against various high schools across New York State. 
Garden Club (MS) - This club takes special pride in planting and maintaining the school grounds with perpetual
gardens for spring, summer and fall. Students are taught the differences between bulbs, perennials and annuals with lifelong love and learning for growing as a bonus. Winter months may not include live plants, but dried and silk arrangements become a worthwhile substitute. This club provides both a fun activity for students and a lasting contribution to the appearance of our school.
Human Rights Club (MS) - Provides a safe space for all students and educates the Gananda Community on issues of diversity.
Intramurals - All students in grades 6-8 are able to participate in the intramural program. Students may attend when
their schedule allows. The club meets twice a week during 9th period for sixth grade students and twice a week for seventh and eighth grade students combined. The purpose of this club is to allow students to broaden their exposure to activities that are being taught in physical education class. They will also be able to enhance their socialization skills while participating in more competitive environment. All ability levels are welcome.
Maker Club (MS) - Maker Club gives students a chance to play, investigate, problem solve, communicate and collaborate with makerspace kits. These kits allow students to generate and test multiple ideas and solutions. The club is open to all sixth and seventh graders. While exploring, building, and creating, club members learn about two STEM worlds: engineering and creative design. No prior knowledge or experience is needed. Club members meet in the library once a month during ninth period.
Math Honor Society (HS) -The Math National Honor Society recognizes its members’ academic excellence in mathematics and their promotion of mathematics in the community. 
Math League (HS) - Our team of math students compete against schools in our surrounding area by completing a variety of math problems at five monthly meets followed by an All County All Star meet. 
National Junior Honor Society (MS) - The purpose of National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) is to: create enthusiasm for scholarship, promote leadership, develop character, encourage good citizenship, and stimulate a desire to render community service. NJHS students in 7th & 8th grades are recognized for their scholastic achievements and community service. Meetings occur monthly.
National Honor Society (HS) - The National Honor Society (NHS) elevates a school’s commitment to the values of scholarship, service, leadership, and character.
Nook Book Club (MS) - NOOK Book Club is for all middle school students who enjoy reading and talking about stories with friends. Club members get to vote on the titles we read. The club usually meets once a month to talk about the story. Most often the club takes four weeks to read a book, but the timeline is flexible. Any club member can borrow a NOOK from the school library to read the eBook or can use a print copy. After each book is read, we have a trivia tournament with prizes.
Percussion Ensemble (HS) - Percussion Ensemble is an ensemble designed to enhance musical knowledge, enjoyment and skills through rehearsal and performance.
Rachel's Challenge (HS) - In line with the national organization, The Rachel’s Challenge Club aims to make the school a kinder and more welcoming place by spreading positivity and promoting a feeling of security.
Science Club (HS) -Science club brings students together each week to promote the benefits of recycling and to participate in exciting monthly science experiments, talks, or trips.
SEE Club (HS) - Students Engaged in Education - A club which celebrates every individual's strengths and differences and promotes engaging with others in a positive environment to foster opportunities for students to use everyday skills and strategies in real-world situations.
Ski Club(MS & HS) - Ski Club offers students an outdoor experience to learn and enjoy skiing and snowboarding.
Sources of Strength (HS)-  A best practice youth suicide prevention project designed to harness the power of peer social networks to change unhealthy norms and culture, ultimately preventing suicide, bullying, and substance abuse. The mission of Sources of Strength is to prevent suicide by increasing help seeking behaviors and promoting connections between peers and caring adults.
District Spelling Bee (Grades 4-8) - The District Spelling Bee is held in February at the High School. Sign-ups will go out in December. Links for study guides will be sent to each student participating.
HS Student Congress - Student Congress is an organization that looks to make a positive impact on the school environment, and be a voice for all students.  
MS Student Congress - Student Congress serves many purposes in the Middle School. The members organize and carry out numerous activities throughout the year. Members represent the school at school functions, and encourage school spirit throughout the year. Meetings are held approximately once a month during ninth period, but more often if needed to plan an activity. Students who are members of Student Congress are required to be good school citizens, keep up with their studies, and respectfully represent their classmates. Officers are elected at
the first meeting of the year.
Recycling Club (MS) - Recycling Club aims to have students think and act on the five R’s (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse,
Re-purpose and Recycle) within the Gananda Middle School and the Gananda community as a whole.
Student Organization for Mental Health Awareness (SOMHA) (HS)- We aim to break the stigma surrounding mental health by sharing our experiences and coping strategies as well as raising awareness in our school and community. 
Ukulele & Guitar Club (MS)- This club is for students interested in learning to play guitar or ukulele. It is also for students that already know how to play guitar or ukulele and would like a place to share what they know with others. Students may borrow a school guitar, but we do not have ukuleles for borrow at this time.
Varsity Club (HS) -Varsity Club looks to find ways to enhance varsity athletics, both through fundraising and also through increasing awareness and school spirit.  
Yearbook Club (HS) - Yearbook club provides high school students with the opportunity to assist in yearbook sales, photography and design. Students help to promote yearbook sales and assist in designing the pages of the yearbook.
Yearbook Club (MS) - The Gananda Middle School Yearbook staff meets on Fridays throughout the year. There are different roles within the club ranging from marketers to photographers to editors. All grade levels are involved in photography and book sales, while editing and layout of the yearbook are generally tasks reserved for eighth graders. Photos are accepted throughout the year. Being an active member of the Yearbook Club is a lot of work, but it is also very rewarding when the final product is distributed.