Student Services and Special Education » Student Services and Special Education

Student Services and Special Education

Welcome to the Gananda Central School District's Student Services Site!

In Gananda, we offer a continuum of services aimed to support students in the acquisition of academic, social, emotional, behavioral and vocational skills. We believe in the positive impact of programming that appropriately challenges students at all levels and strive to uphold a collaborative learning experience for all.

Every Single Human Share Knowledge
Please use the links to the left to navigate the services offered through our department. 
Contact Information:
Director of Student Services
Melissa Phelps
(315) 986-3521 x4334
Student Services Secretary
Julie Riethmeier
(315) 986-3521 x4334
CPSE, 504, and Homeschool Services Secretary
Megan Forjone 
(315) 986-3521 x 4320
In accordance with Part 200 Regulations, the Gananda Central School District assures the provision of a full continuum of special education programs and services to meet the differing needs of resident students with disabilities and equal opportunity for instruction in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).