Registration Forms
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Prior to enrolling your child in school, students must be registered. The Secretary for the Superintendent of Schools, Leslie Ferrante, is our registrar. She is located at our District Office at 1500 Dayspring Ridge and available between the hours of 8:00-4:00, Monday - Friday. The telephone number is 315-986-0610, fax: 315-986-2003.
Please submit evidence establishing you and your child’s physical presence within the school district. Such evidence may include:
- a copy of a residential lease or proof of ownership of a house or condominium, such as a deed or mortgage statement;
- a statement by a third-party landlord, owner or tenant from whom the parent(s) or person(s) in parental relation lease or with whom they share property within the District, which may be either sworn or unsworn; or
- such other statement by a third party establishing the parent(s) or person(s) in parental relation’s physical presence in the district.
If the documentation listed above is not available, the District will consider other forms of documentation which may include, but will not be limited to:
- pay stub;
- income tax form;
- utility or other bills;
- membership documents (e.g., library cards) based upon residency;
- -voter registration document(s);
- -official driver’s license, learner’s permit, or non-driver identification;
- state or other government issued identification;
- documents issued by federal, state, or local agencies (e.g., local social service agency, federal Office of Refugee Resettlement); or
- evidence of custody of the child, including but not limited to, judicial custody orders or guardianship papers.
The District may also require the parent(s) to provide an affidavit either:
- indicating that they are the parent(s) with whom the child lawfully resides; or
- indicating that they are the person(s) in parental relation to the child, over whom they have total and permanent custody and control, and describing how they obtained total and permanent custody and control, whether through guardianship or otherwise.
The District will also accept other evidence of residency, such as documentation indicating that the child resides with a sponsor with whom the child has been placed by a federal agency.
The District will require documentation and/or information establishing your child’s age. Please supply a certified transcript of a birth certificate or record of baptism (including a certified transcript of a foreign birth certificate or record of baptism) giving the date of birth is available. Where such documentation is not available, a passport (including a foreign passport) may be used.
Where birth certificate or passport is not available, the District may consider certain other evidence which has been in existence two years or more. Other evidence may include, but will not be limited to the following:
- official driver’s license;
- state or other government issued identification;
- school photo identification with date of birth;
- consulate identification card;
- hospital or health records;
- military dependent identification card;
- documents issued by federal, state or local agencies (e.g., local social service agency, federal Office of Refugee Resettlement);
- court orders or other court-issued documents;
- Native American tribal document; or
- records from non-profit international aid agencies and voluntary agencies.
If you have any questions with respect to the foregoing, please do not hesitate to contact Leslie Ferrante at 315-986-0610.
The Gananda Central School District provides the privilege for non-resident students to attend our schools in accordance with Gananda Board of Education policy #5152. Please read the policy carefully. Each non-resident student is expected to fully comply with all school regulations, including those contained in the Code of Conduct, Extracurricular Code of Conduct and/or other student handbooks. Non-resident families who wish to enroll children in the school system shall submit a signed agreement to the District Registrar by August 1st immediately preceding the school year of attendance. Each applicant’s entry will be individually evaluated annually by the Building Principal and other personnel the principal deems necessary.
In making determinations regarding the admittance of non-resident students, the district will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, or other legally protected category.
Very truly yours,
Shawn Van Scoy, Ed.D.
Office of the New York State Attorney General
120 Broadway, 23rd Floor
New York, New York 10271
Telephone: (212) 416-8250 or (800) 771-7755
Fax: (212) 416-8074