Jacqueline Pedulla » About Your RMES School Psychologist

About Your RMES School Psychologist

School Psych

Meet Your School Psychologist

HellBitmojiCalm & Healthy

Hi! My name is Miss. Pedulla, this fall 2023 will be my fourth year at Gananda. I was born and raised in Hilton, NY. I received my undergraduate degree in Psychology with a concentration in Developmental and a dual minor in Education and Family Studies from Houghton College. I received my Masters degree from Roberts Wesleyan College (May 2020) as a certified NYS School Psychologist. I am very excited to be a part of the Richard Mann community!
  1. Favorite Color: Purple 
  2. Favorite Food: Pizza (extra cheese)
  3. Favorite Candy: Reese's Pieces!
  4. Favorite season: Summer 
  5. Favorite drink: Coffee
Office Phone: (315) 986-3521 ext. 4335
What is a School Psychologist? 

A school psychologist is a specialist who helps students with their feelings, friendships, behavior, learning, and future dreams. School psychologists work together with teachers, counselors, social workers, principals, school nurse, outside providers and parents/guardians to make sure that students have the proper support they need to succeed in school and in life!


What are some things that a School Psychologist can provide in school?

  • Individual IEP Counseling: For all students who receive counseling under their IEP to help with specific individual needs based on student classification, diagnosis, or skill.

  • Small Group Counseling (Tier 2 Intervention): For some students who share a common concern it can be helpful for them to meet together with the counselor to share ideas and support and to learn helpful skills. Games, actives and projects are used to learn skills. Possible groups may address divorce or family changes, friendship skills, anger, classroom success, bullying prevention. Students are not placed in groups without parent/guardian permission. Groups meet once a week typically for 6-10 weeks.

  • *Counseling is confidential, I am bound by confidentiality as a School Psychologist. I can share with parents/guardians how their student is responding to counseling and their progress*

  • Psychoeducational Evaluations to aid in determining special education eligibility

  • Consultant and collaborate with teachers, administration, parents/guardians to promote student success

  • Assist with identifying and creating evidence-based interventions (MTSS)

  • Provide guidance with the implementation of interventions and progress monitoring/data collection

  • Push into classrooms and provide mini skill lessons (social skills, bullying prevention, identifying emotions/feelings, coping strategies, social thinking, & much more!)
What is the difference between a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist?