Student Services and Special Education » CPSE & CSE


To implement its commitment to the education of students with disabilities, the Board of Education annually appoints a Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE), a Committee on Special Education (CSE) and Subcommittees on Special Education. The Committees are appointed in accordance with the provisions of New York Education Law, Sections 4402 and 4410 and Section 200.3 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education. Section 4410 of the Education Law which established the Committee on Preschool Special Education was signed into Law on July 5, 1989, and the CPSE established for the first time during the 1989/90 school year.

Major functions of the CPSE and CSE include:
  • Identifying, evaluating, and recommending placement for students with disabilities;
  • Assuring that appropriate due process safeguards are provided for each student;
  • Maintaining an annually revised register of all students with disabilities who reside in the district and who are eligible to attend preschool or public school during the coming school year;
  • Establishing a network for communication and sharing of resources with other educational and community service agencies;
  • Reporting to the Board of Education on the adequacy and status of programs, services and facilities made available to school-age students with disabilities by the school district, and, for preschool students, by public and private agencies within the County of Monroe;
  • Reporting to the State Education Department on the number of preschool students, if any, within the district who are not receiving appropriate preschool services and the reasons for any such lack of service.
Committee on Preschool Special Education

The Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) is a multidisciplinary team that is approved by the Board of Education.  This committee meets after a referral has been made and a multidisciplinary evaluation has been completed to review the information and determine if a child has a disability.  This committee is responsible for students who are between the ages of birth-5.  If a student is eligible for classification, this committee will meet at least once a year to review the student's programs and services.

The committee members shall include, but not be limited to:
  • Parents of the preschool child
  • Regular education teacher
  • Special education teacher
  • Representative of the school district who is qualified to provide or supervise special education and who is knowledgeable about the general education curriculum and the availability of preschool special education programs and services and other resources of the school district and the municipality.
  • Individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results
  • Other persons having knowledge or special expertise regarding the child
  • For a child in transition from early intervention programs and services, the appropriate professional designated by the agency that has been charged with the responsibility for the preschool child
  • A representative of the municipality of the preschool child's residence, provided that the attendance of the appointee of the municipality shall not be required for a quorum


Committee on Special Education

The Committee on Special Education (CSE) is a multidisciplinary team that is approved by the Board of Education. This committee meets after a referral has been made and a multidisciplinary evaluation has been completed to review the information and determine if a child has a disability. This committee is responsible for students who are between the ages of 5-21. The committee determines eligibility, develops and Individualized Education Plan (IEP), and places the student in the least restrictive environment. If a student is eligible for classification, this committee will meet at least once a year to review the student's programs and services. Every three years a student will undergo a re-evaluation process to ensure that the student continues to require special education services.


The multidisciplinary team consists of the following people:              

  • District representative 
  • Parent(s) of the student
  • Regular education teacher
  • Special education teacher
  • School Psychologist
  • Related Services Provider, if appropriate
  • An individual who understands and can explain evaluation results and how the results affect instruction
  • A parent member who has a child with a disability, unless the parent requests that the parent member not be present
  • School physician, if requested by the parent
  • Any other people who have knowledge or special expertise regarding the student, as requested by the parent or the school district
  • The student, if appropriate

**It is important that the parent(s) be at the student's meetings.  The parents are the key to helping this whole process be successful and we encourage you to be a part of it all.  Please let us know what we can do to make sure that you are informed and a part of all that we do to help your child.