Parent Information
Applications for Parents
The Digital Cheat Sheet for Parents contains information for Parents that guides them through how to log into the various applications used by the District which Parents also use. Those applications include: Schoology, Infinite Campus, My School Bucks, Here Comes the Bus, ParentSquare, FamilyID, and rSchool Notify Me!.
Internet Access
If you are in need of Internet Access to enable your student to learn remotely, please reach out to your child's school Principal.
School Messages
If you are not receiving communications sent out by the District, please send an email to [email protected] so that we can investigate the issue.
Parent Bill of Rights / Notification
In accordance with Education Law Section 2-d, the Gananda School District Parents’ Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security provides parents/legal guardians with their rights as it relates to Data Privacy & Security.